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Showing posts from January, 2009


INDONESIAN PROVERB Where is the smoke, there is a fire. • "Ada asap ada api." o Meaning: There's a cause for everything. Where is the sugar, there are ants • "Ada gula ada semut." o Meaning: People tend to be attracted to what most benefits them There is a shrimp behind the stone • "Ada udang di balik batu." o Meaning: There is a hidden motive behind an act Shallow water has ripples • "Air beriak tanda tak dalam." o Meaning: Overly boisterous/ loud-mouthed people often don't know much. To be "all talk". Water dripping from the roof will eventually go to the reservoir • "Air cucuran jatuhnya ke pelimbahan juga." o Meaning similar to "Like father like son" or "An apple never falls far from the tree" Water minced will not separate. • "Air dicincang tak putus." o Meaning: Like the seaweed that clings together after each passing boat separates them, so too a family will come together with the p...

We Are Studying English In The Classroom

Out Of Exile

From out of exile Mr. S. Syahrir March 27, 1935 As long as the will to live remains with us, so long are we able to recognize and enjoy the beauty of life even under the most trying circumstances ( Sejauh semangat/kehendak hidup tetap ada pada kita, demikian kita mampu memahami/mengenali dan menikmati keindahan hidup bahkan dibawah keadaan yang sulit bagaimanapun )

The wise words for our days

Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’ Kahlil Gibran If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Harry S Truman What is the sound of one hand clapping Confucius The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. Buddha Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. Kahlil Gibran The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson If you have a true friend, you have more than your share. Thomas Fuller True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. Antoine De Saint-Exupery When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. Stanislaw Lec

Anak dalam Iklan - Etiskah

Tulisan-tulisan mengenai anak memang patut mendapat perhatian kita, justru berangkat dari penanaman nilai-nilai yang baik justru dimulai dari anak-anak. Kita selaku orang dewasa patut menaruh perhatian guna perkembangan mereka. Secara tidak sengaja saya menemukan mater makalah ketika saya mengambil mata kuliah etika moral ketika kuliah di STF Driyarkara dahulu. Ini adalah salah satu materi dari teman-temandalam satu kelompok wakatu itu. Mereka adalah : Andreas Sutiyo, Fritz Gh.Kumendong,Hendro Ismoyo Jati, Jerry Augustinus Hongrius, Methodeus Eko Yulianto. Menurut saya sepertinya sangat sayang bila di lewatkan begitu saja saja mungkin juga teman-teman sudah tak ingat dengan kelompok mereka sewaktu mendiskusikan materi ini. Saya melihat tema ini masih menarik untuk dikritisi lagi disaat seperti sekarang ini Untuk lebih lebih lengkapnya bisa dibaca sebagai berikut Media komunikasi - khususnya media iklan - memang sangat bersinggungan dengan masalah etika atau moral.Melalui sim...
The Convention Since its adoption in 1989 after more than 60 years of advocacy, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has been ratified more quickly and by more governments (all except Somalia and the US) than any other human rights instrument. This Convention is also the only international human rights treaty that expressly gives non-governmental organizations (NGOs) a role in monitoring its implementation (under Article 45a). The basic premise of the Convention is that children (all human beings below the age of 18) are born with fundamental freedoms and the inherent rights of all human beings. Many governments have enacted legislation, created mechanisms and put into place a range of creative measures to ensure the protection and realization of the rights of those under the age of 18. Each government must also report back on children's rights in their country. Optional Protocols Two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child exist: •The O...


TRUSTY CHILD Trusty Child Jl. Pademangan Timur IV Gg. 33 No. 33B Jakarta Utara Telp: 0216403353 Email,
We are invited to take part in seminar "Pelatihan Bagi Pelatih Untuk Penanganan Kasus Perdagangan Anak Di DKI Jakarta held by YAP (Yayasan Anak Perempuan)Di Hotel New Karwika , 6-8 Januari 2009 Cisarua, Bogor