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Indonesian Proverbs Part 3

Indonesian Proverbs Part 3
A year of dry season (summer) is erased by a day of rain
Meaning: A long dispute has been forgoten by love, or sometimes a long time of goodness has been forgotten by one badness
"Kemarau setahun dihapuskan hujan sehari."

Head can be heated but heart must stay cool.
Meaning: No matter how stressed or angry we are, we have to solve a problem with rationale.
Meaning: A dispute can only be resolved by discussing the problem openly and coolly.
"Kepala boleh panas, tetapi hati harus tetap dingin."

The hair is all colored the same (black in this case), but no one will know the inside of one's heart
Meaning: A different way of thinking in every person
"Kepala sama hitam, isi hati siapa tahu."

The turtle in the boat, pretending not to know.
Meaning: People say it to imply that somebody knows more than he or she is letting on.
"Kura-kura dalam perahu, pura-pura tidak tahu."

Different fields have different insect, different ponds have different fish.
Meaning: Different people have different personality.
Meaning: Different background means different thinking.
Meaning: Different culture means different custom.
"Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya."

We spell fluently because we keep repeating it. We know the route because we pass it often.
Meaning: Be dilligent in learning.
"Lancar kaji karena diulang, lancar jalan karena ditempuh."

Better one bird in the hand than 10 birds on the tree.
Meaning: Better something than nothing.
"Lebih baik satu burung ditangan dari pada sepuluh burung dipohon."

Throw a stone but hide the hand.
Meaning: Someone who doesn't want to be responsible for his/her doing.
"Lempar batu sembunyi tangan."

A pain in the feet, the whole body feels it.
Meaning: To describe a unity of a society.
"Luka di kaki, sakit seluruh badan."

Embarrassed to ask will result in getting lost.
Meaning: Asking question is the only way to learn
"Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan."

One dead replaced by one thousand.
Used to describe the undying spirit of a movement (for instance during the struggle for independence)
Also: "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu." The word 'gugur' means similar as 'mati' (die), but it usually relates only with dead leaves (when a leaf dries it will fall from its tree) or somebody who dies in honour, like the heroes. Thus, "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu" sounds more patriotic than "Mati satu tumbuh seribu."
"Mati satu tumbuh seribu."

Fishing in a murky water.
Meaning: Taking advantage of a murky/confusing situation.
"Memancing di air keruh."


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