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Jokays English Club
Jl. Pademangan Timur IV Gg 33 No. 33
Jakarta Utara

Narrative tells a story which focuses on an event, or a series of evens in the past. Usually it gives those events in the order in which they occurred (chronological order ). Think of some of the stories you have heard recently. Some stories, like fairy tales, short stories, novels and movies are fictional. Some of the, like what happened to your friends at school or what happened to your parents at work, or what you heard on the evening news, are factual. All of them are narratives, because they tell a story about something happened. The first important thing to remember about a narrative essay is that it tells a story.
Like all other kinds of essays, the narrative essay should have a main point or thesis. Your story should have some specific thins, idea, or event you want your reader to focus on. When you write your narratives, always keep that thesis in mind. Since a narrative is a description of events, you may want to organize your essay in a way that leads up to that main point or event.
Since a narrative tells a story, the most important thing to remember is to give as much detail as possible and to make sure that you put things in the order in which they occurred.

1. List the events
- Think about a story you want to tell
- If possible, narrow your focus. For example : if you have to write a paper describing your summer vocation, you may want to focus on one part of your summer only : one day, one trip, one event, etc
- Make a list of all the things that happened
- Read through the list and see if you want to add other events
2. Put the event in order
- At this point you should have some ideas of the focus of your essay. A narrative tells a story for some purpose. For example, if you want to tell someone about the funniest thing you did over the summer, you will want to focus on those things on the list which describe the fun you had
- Go through your list and cross out any irrelevant event which
- Now, put numbers next to all the event in the order they occurred
3. Add details and specific information.
- One easy way to organize your essay is to write one paragraph for each of those event you have listed
- Give details for each of the items on your list
- Be sure to include what things looked like and what people said.

Your are expected to be able to :
1. Write compositions based on experiences.
2. Write Short stories.
3. Write Circular Stories.


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